Product Description
The Science Practice-cum-workbook series of books is intended to help students explore and gain a better understanding of science both inside and outside of the classroom. It is made up of a comprehensive set of questions with a progressive level of difficulty for learners. Students can practice questions ranging from simple to complex in order to improve their recall and inference skills. At the end of each chapter, challenging HOTS questions and skill-based questions are provided to apply the concepts and skills learned. These workbooks strictly follow NEP 2020 guidelines.
Science Practice-cum-workbook assists young minds in better understanding, learning, and achieving excellent results in any exam.
- Each chapter in the book has five core sections after the recap section. These sections are designed according to the guidelines of Bloom’s taxonomy.
- Recap – A short summary of key concepts for quick recapitulation of chapters.
- Knowledge-based questions – Sections with multiple choice questions (MCQs), fill in the blanks, match the columns, scrambled words, etc. to check learners’ ability to recall and remember the concepts learned.
- Understanding-based questions – These comprise circle the odd one, true-false, questions & answers, etc. for learners to check their ability to classify, compare, explain and interpret the concepts learned.
- Application-based questions – Section with crosswords and application-driven questions to implement the concepts learned.
- HOTS questions – A section for high-order thinking skills to analyze the given situations and draw an inference.
- Skill-based question – Activity-oriented, data-based questions for learners to create, evaluate and implement the concept learnt.
- Living and Non-Living Things
- Animals and Plants
- Eating Habits of Animals
- Parts of a Plant
- Birds
- Our Body
- Safety First
- Soil
- Water and Weather
- Light, Sound and Force
- Measurement
- Earth, Moon and Sun
- Going Into Space