Class 2 : Learning Mathematics for Smarter Life
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Product Description
MTG’s Learning Mathematics for a Smarter Life is a creative Mathematics series for students in grades 1 through 8. The goal of this series is to encourage students to enjoy their studies and learn concepts deeply rather than rote learning as per the NEP 2020 guidelines. The series is designed with the student’s age groups in mind, so they can learn at their own pace. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and SOF International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) questions are included in the series to help students improve their analytical and problem-solving skills. The following key features of the books contribute to a unique learning experience for both children and teachers. The section names are also chosen with care so that students can identify with them.
- “Brief Introduction”- gives brief information and explains each topic step by step with illustrative examples.
- “Getting Ready “connects the chapter with lessons learned previously.
- “Do it yourself” – after completing each topic, this unique section helps in building the confidence level among the students.
- “Practice Work” helps the students to brush up on their application skills.
- “Wrap Up” helps in recapitulates the entire chapter in a creative manner.
- “Teacher’s Note” is given as suggestions and tip notes for teachers to make their teaching more effective and convenient.
- “Word Fun” helps in building connections of mathematics with day-to-day life.
- “Activities” is to develop the observation, concentration, and analyzing power among the students.
1. Number System
- Number Names
- Wrap Up 1.1
- Place value, Face value & Number on Abacus
- Expanded form
- Wrap Up 1.2
- Skip counting
- Comparing Numbers
- Ascending and Descending order
- Forming Numbers
- Odd and Even numbers
- Ordinal Number
- Wrap Up 1.3
- Miscellaneous Practice
2. More on Numbers
- Numbers beyond 99
- Number names of 3-digit numbers
- 3-digit number on Abacus
- Place value & Face value
- Expanded form of numbers
- Short form of a number
- Comparison of numbers
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
3. Addition
- Addition of three 1-digit numbers
- Addition of two 2-digit numbers
- (without regrouping)
- Addition of three 2-digit numbers
- (without regrouping)
- Horizontal addition (without regrouping)
- Addition of two 2-digit numbers
- (with regrouping or carry over)
- Addition of three 2-digit numbers
- (with regrouping)
- Addition of 3-digit numbers
- (without regrouping)
- Regrouping
- Addition of 3-digit numbers
- (with regrouping)
- Addition on Abacus
- Word Fun
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
4. Subtraction
- Subtraction of two 2-digit numbers
- (without regrouping)
- Subtraction of two 2-digit numbers
- (with regrouping)
- Subtraction from Zero
- Horizontal Subtraction
- Subtraction of 3-digit numbers
- (without regrouping)
- Subtraction of 3-digit numbers
- (with regrouping)
- Word Fun
- Relationship between Addition and
- Subtraction
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
5. Lines and Shapes
- Straight Line & Types of Straight Lines
- Ruler
- Curved Line
- Wrap Up 5.1
- 2D Shapes & Sides and Vertices of 2D Shapes
- Solid objects (3D Shapes)
- Faces, Edges and Vertices of 3D Shapes
- Wrap Up 5.2
- Miscellaneous Practice
6. Multiplication & Division
- Repeated Addition
- Multiplication
- Multiplication on Number Line
- Multiplication Table : 2, 3, 4, 5
- Wrap Up 6.1
- Properties of Multiplication
- Multiplication of a 2-digit number by a
- 1-digit number (without carry over)
- Multiplication of a 2-digit number by a
- 1-digit number (with carry over)
- Multiplication of a 3-digit number by a
- 1-digit number (without carry over)
- Multiplication of a 3-digit number by a
- 1-digit number (with carry over)
- Word Fun
- Wrap Up 6.2
- Division
- Repeated Subtraction
- Wrap Up 6.3
- Miscellaneous Practice
7. Fractions
- Equal and Unequal Parts
- A Half
- One-Third
- A Quarter
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
8. Measurement
- Measurement of Length & Units to
- Measure Length
- Standard Units of Measuring Length &
- Devices used to Measure Length
- Word Fun
- Measurement of Weight, Units of Measuring
- weight & Types of weighing scale
- Word Fun
- Measurement of Capacity & Units to
- Measure Capacity
- Word Fun
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
9. Time
- Clock
- Reading a Clock
- Reading ‘To’ and ‘Past’
- A.M. and P.M.
- Days of the Week
- Calendar & Months of the Year
- Seasons
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
10. Money
- Indian Currency
- Different Combinations of Currency
- Word Fun
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
11. Data Handling
- Data and Data handling
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
12. Patterns
- Patterns & Different types of Patterns
- Wrap Up
- Miscellaneous Practice
13. Activity Time
- Activity 1 (Card Game)
- Activity 2 (Grouping)
- Activity 3 (Odd & Even)
- Activity 4 (Creating Shapes)
- Activity 5 (Bookmark)
- Activity 6 (Collage)
14. SOF- IMO
- (International Mathematics Olympiad)
15. Answer Key
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