Product Description:
MTG’s NCERT Textbook + Exemplar Problem Solutions is an excellent book designed to provide a comprehensive guide to the latest NCERT Textbook and NCERT Exemplar Problems students. This book provides detailed explanations of all subjective and objective type questions given in both the NCERT Textbook and NCERT Exemplar Problems book. This book is based on the rationalized NCERT syllabus announced by NCERT recently according to NEP 2020. This is an error-free and ‘Self-study’ book to master the concepts in subjects. This book aims to give the best solutions and help students to score high in school examinations as well as to build a strong foundation for NTSE, Olympiads, and other national-level competitive exams.
- Real Numbers
- Polynomials
- Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Quadratic Equations
- Arithmetic Progressions
- Triangles
- Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Circles
- Area Related to Circles
- Surface Areas and Volumes
- Statistics
- Probability