We welcome Advik Maheshwary of Class 6 of Shishukunj International school, Indore to SOF Hall of Fame.
Advik is an all rounder and has excelled in academics, sports, painting, chess and extra curricular activities.
His achievements include:
Class 1
IMO- International rank 11(zonal rank 10)
IEO- International rank 14
Class 2
IEO- International rank 1
IMO- School rank 2
Stood first in Doms handwriting masters
Class 3
IEO-School rank 2
IMO- School rank 1
Class 4
SOF, level 1
NSO- School rank 2
IMO- School rank 1
exhibited paintings in art gallery
Got second position in drawing competition
Selected for IMO, NSO level 2
IMO-zonal rank 1
Class 5
SOF, level1-
IMO-School rank 3
NSO-School rank 1
IEO- School rank 3
Selected for IMO, NSO, IEO level 2
He performed well in other competitive exams
He secured 10th position in KPL chess tournament .
Stood first in 3 by 3 rubick's cube , third in 3 by 3 single handed state level competition in Bhopal.